Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It's mosquito season again

It's that time of year - when mosquitos begin laying eggs in puddles, ponds and old tin cans.  By July, mosquito numbers will reach their peak.

There's a new house near me, and a new rain garden depression in front.  Yay.  What other collection points are lurking in local yards, parks and green streets?

Clackamas County Vector Control and the Centers for Disease Control have tips to prevent the spread of disease by eliminating places for mosquitos to breed.

Clackamas County Vector Control

Mosquito Control Around Your Home
Many of the mosquitoes found around your home have bred on or around your or your neighbor’s property. Mosquitoes require standing water for their production. Eliminating standing water early in the spring will reduce the production of those summer mosquitoes.
Elimination of standing water must be done no later than early April to reduce later mosquito problems. Continue to monitor potential breeding grounds throughout the summer.

If you live in a state or area with the mosquito that spreads
the Zika virus and you are concerned about Zika, learn how to build your own Zika Prevention Kit.

Your kit should include items that will reduce your risk of getting Zika. Reducing the risk for Zika is particularly important for pregnant women.

Your kit should include
  • A bed net
  • Insect repellent
  • Permethrin spray
  • Standing water treatment tabs
  • A thermometer
  • Condoms

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