Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Council Meeting Updates

Updated City Calendar:

The City Calendar has been updated to show the April 19 City Council Meeting.  However, there are still no meetings scheduled past that date.  All the other Boards and Commissions have their regular meetings on the calendar - just not the Council.   Huh?

Is there a question about whether there will be regular meetings in the future?

Public Comment at City Council Meetings

Similar problems from England - being banned from giving public comment at Council meetings. From Shropshire, England:  Andy Boddington, Shropshire Coucillor for Ludlow North.    The plan to prohibit public comment was picked up by the newspaper and became a local controversy.  I guess that even if the cause is a good one - the ethical one - it takes a powerful group to effect a political change.  Is there an Andy Boddington on our City Council?

Posted 2/20/2016 by andybodders

The new council leader has backed down on plans to prevent members of the public asking oral questions at full council meetings. He had proposed that members of the public would be allowed to ask questions in writing only, without the option of asking a supplementary question arising from the answer.

When Keith Barrow ran the council, there was a preference to keep as much as possible out of the public gaze. That habit seems to be continuing under Malcolm Pate. Secret portfolio holder sessions are still being held to make vital decisions. And this attempt to ban public speaking at council was ill judged.

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