Monday, March 21, 2016

Where will the kids go?

With all the tear-downs, lot partitions, and mega-house sore thumbs popping up in every neighborhood, people are wondering, where will all the median-income people live?  Where will the young, first-time buyers live? *   Where will the kids, the people on fixed incomes, the families, the city's income-diversity go?  

What started in a couple of neighborhoods has escalated to mass mailings to homeowners in all parts of town:  Unsolicited offers to buy one's home, all cash.  Though not specific, the message is clear: We don't care about your home, its architectural significance or design, the loving care you gave it over many decades, the kids you raised there, the show-worthy garden and tall trees, or even how valuable it is in today's market.  We just want your land.
In the 70s, an urban growth boundary seemed like a good idea.  So here we are: Supply down, demand up and no new land to build on.

Real estate data for Lake Oswego, as of 3/20/2016 

Median price of homes listed for sale in Lake Oswwgo:    $799,000    |   Price per square foot:    $250

Total number of homes listed for sale:    177

Number of single family homes for sale:    145

Number of homes under $399,999:    3

Number of homes between $400,000 and $499,999:    12

Number of homes between $500,000 and $749,999:    36

Number of homes between $750 and $1,000,000:   31

Number of homes over $1,000,000:    63

Most expensive home:    $15,000,000 @ 13,462 SF.  1500 North Shore Rd.

Next 4 top-priced homes:      $6.9 M,   $5.95 M,   $5.45 M,   $4.35 M

Number of condos (and townhouses) listed for sale:    25

Number of condos under $200,000:    11

Number of condos between $200,000 and $299,999:     6

Number of condos between $300,000 and $399,999:     3

Number of condos between $400,000 and $1,000,000:     3

Number of condos over $1,000,000:     2

* The answer to where young people are going to buy their first homes is..... Pittsburgh.  

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