Friday, March 25, 2016

CA gets better & wetter

After several years of drought affecting most of California, drawing down reservoirs and drying up farmland and threatening urban water supplies,

Shasta Lake is back!

As of today (March 17, 2016), the lake has gone to just 24' from the capacity height of 1,067'.  On March 12-13 the lake added 6' of water in one day! Succeeding days saw 2' - 4' per day additions.  Shasta Lake has exceeded its average historical water height for this date.

For those of you who keep track of such things, all kinds of facts, statistics, information, links and photos can be found at:

Despite news stories that made the recent drought (ongoing in SoCal) sound biblical in nature and somehow tied to global climate change, the lowest lake level on record was in 1977-78.  While this was terrible for Californians, I don't remember ever hearing that automobiles and suburban sprawl were the cause.  Mother Nature is fickle.


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