Friday, October 2, 2015

How well do you know your planet?

I apologize for not keeping up with this blog lately.  This is the end of the construction season and I have had several projects going that have needed my full attention.  There is a lot to talk about, but for this moment, allow me to share with you another set of satellite images I hope you will find as fascinating as I do.

This website,,
has the most marvelous satellite images I have seen - in number and detail.  You won't regret time spent perusing this site!  Each of the pages accessed from the home page has delightful photos - check them all out.

Don't forget to take the QUIZ!  For those who like an extra dose of challange, take the quiz before looking at the photos on the website.  For everyone, take your time and look closely at each image before selecting - don't answer quickly unless you are sure.  How well did you do?

See article about the site at:
Citylab, September 24, 2015  By John Metcalfe

Mighty and Ominous Satellite Images of the Human Condition

The Daily Overview presents refugee camps, environmental horror, Florida housing projects, and fields of lovely Dutch tulips.
  In his years of sifting, [Grant has had two shots particularly stick with him for very different reasons. One depicts huge rows of gumball-colored tulip fields in the Netherlands—an “amazing view of harnessing the landscape,” he says. The other shows the world’s biggest encampment of refugees in Dadaab, Kenya, which holds hundreds of thousands of Somalis trying to escape war and hunger.

The Dadaab refugee camps in 2014. (Daily Overview / Satellite images © 2015 DigitalGlobe)

USC NOTE:  Take a first or second look at Apple Maps.  They are superior for showing detail of landscapes in wild and lonely places of the world - and your own backyard.  

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