Tuesday, September 8, 2015


 Just say "Nope to Dope!" 

From the Lake Oswego website:

Marijuana Facilities

City Council is looking for your input.
Would you advise the City Council to place on the November 2016 ballot a city-wide prohibition on recreational marijuana facilities including dispensaries, processors, producers, and wholesalers, and a city-wide ban on medical marijuana processors and dispensaries?
Send us your feedback, plus read what others are saying, at Open City Hall.  Deadline for participation is 5 p.m., September 15. 

The Council will be considering a draft ordinance at its September 15 meeting. 

I lobbied against legalization of marijuana on this blog in 2014, so it should come as no surprise that I am against having pot shops in Lake Oswego now - or ever.  Included are all the other newly-legal businesses associated with the marijuana industry.  Whatever adults want to do with their bodies is up to them as long as they don't harm others.  But the law itself is giving kids the message that using drugs is OK.  
Some parents will use marijuana in their homes and their kids will be normalized to its use as a recreational drug.  Whatever happened to being an adult anyway?  Is our society bent on being young, carefree with no responsibilities forever?  Believe me, you don't want a generation or more lost in a haze of dope smoke with a compromised future in a strung-out world.  
Use the link above and let the City Council know that you don't want pot in your hometown.  

This is a non-scary site for facts on marijuana with links to more.  

Points to Remember

  • Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa.
  • The plant contains the mind-altering chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other related compounds.
  • People use marijuana by smoking, eating, drinking, and inhaling it.
  • Smoking THC-rich extracts from the marijuana plant (a practice called dabbing) is on the rise.
  • THC overactivates certain brain cell receptors, resulting in effects such as:
    • altered senses
    • changes in mood
    • impaired body movement
    • difficulty with thinking and problem-solving
    • impaired memory and learning
  • Marijuana use may have a wide range of effects, both physical and mental, which include:
    • breathing illnesses
    • possible harm to a fetus’s brain in pregnant users
    • hallucinations and paranoia
  • The amount of THC in marijuana has been increasing steadily, creating more harmful effects for users.
  • Marijuana can be addictive.
  • Treatment for marijuana addiction includes forms of behavioral therapy. No medications currently exist for treatment.

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