Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Kessi to start demo soon

This breaking news is from the Facebook page of Betty Jung about Lake Oswego.

BREAKING NEWS: Glass Butterfly has agreed to leave downtown Lake Oswego's Wizer Block a month early and abatement work is now expected to begin on the property "Sept. 1st-ish," according to developer Patrick Kessi.
Kessi, operations director Seth Henderson, project architect Robert Nobles and representatives from Lease Crutcher Lewis, the general contractor, met this morning with the Lake Oswego Business Alliance to discuss communications and construction plans for the mixed-use project at A Avenue and First Street.

Among other things, they shared a site and traffic plan that will turn Second Street into a southbound one-way road and reroute pedestrians around the construction site during demolition and beyond. That plan, and the installation of fencing around the property, also has a "Sept. 1st-ish" start date, Kessi said.

Kessi called last week’s Court of Appeals ruling, which affirmed an earlier decision by the state Land Use Court of Appeals to let the project progress and was issued without opinion, “the best possible outcome.”

“Since 1924, there have been a total of 259 cases reviewed by the Supreme Court that were affirmed without opinion by the lower court,” Kessi said. “Of those, none were land use cases decided by LUBA and affirmed without opinion by the Court of Appeals.

“We are moving forward,” he said.

Look for more details about the timeline in Thursday's issue of The Review…

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