Monday, August 31, 2015

Humans of NY and the world

This is a can't-miss video and website!  If you want a look into the human heart, here it is, raw and beautiful.  I could easily get lost here.  

The Humans of New York

For a video of the creator of the Facebook blog, explaining why he started it:  CLICK HERE

For the Humans of New York website:  CLICK HERE
  The site creator, Brandon Stanton, is currently traveling in Iran and took his camera and interviewing skills with him.  Here is a sample of his work from another part of the world.  Use the timeline bar on the top right of the main page to travel back in time for humans of New York, but don't miss these - a hand across the globe to shake by proxy.  Wish I was there.  

“We were married in the traditional way. Our two families knew each other, so a meeting was arranged. We’d never met. He came to my house with his mother, and we went to a room for two hours and talked. We talked about our expectations, our idea of love, and our plans for the future. I thought about it for two days, then I sent him a text message, saying: ‘Let’s do it.’ And he wrote back: ‘Alright, my dear.’”

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