Saturday, August 15, 2015

Freedom in Oregon

Oregon is a blue state, but how blue is it?  

In this biennial study, Freedom in the 50 States,  the authors seek to find out which states offer their citizens more or less freedom in a variety of areas.  How does geography factor into how much our personal liberties are being diminished?   Where does Oregon stand in comparison to other states?  How much have we changed over the last decade?

The map below gives you a quick, overall view of the most restrictive states where the citizens are burdened with more regulatory demands, and those that allow their citizens more freedom to make choices about how they want to live.  You can personalize the map and see rankings of each state according to a variety of different factors and read more on government regulatory and fiscal matters.

This is also a wake-up call to look to our neighbors to the south and promise ourselves NOT TO BE LIKE CALIFORNIA!  Hold your state (and federal) representatives accountable for preserving (or regaining) our freedom from government.  Let's give bureaucrats a holiday from regulating us.

USC NOTE:  this study was published in 2013 using data from 2011.  A lot has changed in Oregon (and elsewhere) in the years since then, especially in the last legislative cycle.  Remember this when you look at these figures.  BTW, note that Oregon had the distinction of dropping its freedom score 16 points from 2009 to 2011, the worst in the nation.  What will it be when the next study comes out?

Freedom in the 50 States - 2013
Mercatus Center, George Mason University 

Now in its third edition, Freedom in the 50 States presents a completely revised and updated ranking of the American states based on how their policies promote freedom in the fiscal, regulatory, and personal realms. 

This edition employs an enhanced methodology that makes it an even more comprehensive index than in past editions. Improving on their previous attempts to measure freedom, authors William P. Ruger and Jason Sorens use far more variables in this edition, including new variables related to economic freedom. In fact, more than 200 policy variables and their sources are now available to the public on this website. Scholars, policy makers, and concerned citizens can re-weigh every policy and create customized indices of freedom or download the data for their own analyses.

Oregon remains the second-freest Pacific state, but it earned the dubious distinction of having the greatest loss of freedom in the country over the last two years. The state saw increases to its debt level, spending, taxes, and health insurance mandates.

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