Sunday, August 30, 2015

CWA, Sec. 404, WOTUS

Clean Water Act, Section 404, "Waters of the United States"
The new rule became effective August 28, 2015... Or did it?  

It's a federal land grab, no doubt about it.  The legitimacy of the new Clean Water rule will surely go to the Supreme Court, but before it went into effect on August 28, a federal judge issued an injunction against it.  The EPA isn't having any of it and has declared that the injunction is just for the state's who were part of the lawsuit, and the rest of the Country would be covered by the new rule.  The EPA decides what the CWA covers, and the EPA decides what the judge meant.  A look behind the EPA's curtain of deceit should tell you that there is something going on here that has nothing to do with science-based environmentalism, so power plays should not be surprising. 

Central Planners make plans for us, and we aren't supposed to know the real reasons behind them. They want us to think they are doing things for our own good - not for theirs.

This post isn't about the CWA Rule, or the legal ruling per se.  This is about how Federal agencies, especially the EPA, have repeatedly, and knowingly, misrepresented the truth to the American people for political reasons.  In this case, it is to use regulatory means to federalize land that is the sovereignty of the states under the cover of the Clean Water Act of 1972.  

Does the end justify the means?  If the end is corrupt, can any means be justified?

The following excerpts are from memos within the USDACE (United States Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers) written in April and May of this year regarding the Final Draft of WOTUS.  There is serious concern about the lack of validity of the EPA's science, how the Corp's data is being misrepresented by the EPA, and the Corps' legal responsibility for the WOTUS. 
USC NOTE: Thanks to a prodigious LO researcher who has posted these docs on his website.  

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