Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Save yourself from disasters

Are you ready for an emergency?  

It seems that talk of emergency preparedness is in the air these days.  The city has hosted a couple of events devoted to earthquakes and how to survive them - the videos are online with links on the city website along with other disaster-related
sites of interest.

Earthquake videos, information on how to prepare your emergency kit - all kinds of great information on this web page.

Emergency Videos and Information.           

For you science nerds, here is a great site for     
all you ever wanted to know about earthquakes!

Lake Oswego Fire Department
The Fire Department offers Citizen Emergency Response Team classes free of charge to anyone who lives or works in Lake Oswego.  When emergency responders are not able to serve the entire city in a disaster, CERT members are in the neighborhoods, ready to help.  Is there a CERT team member living on your street?  Maybe you will be the next CERT volunteer?   See the Fire Department web page for more information.

CERT Training
Use this link,mod just call the Fire Department for information.

Free Fire Extinguisher Classes
The Fire Department will teach the proper use of a fire extinguisher so you are ready in an emergency.  Know which type to use and how and when to use it!  

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