Saturday, June 27, 2015

How are the fish doing?

It's a scorcher out there!  101 degrees predicted for today, and it's only June.  

Have you seen the Clackamas River lately?  
It looks like August. Portland has had it's first brush fire and no fireworks or tiki torches allowed.   

This was January:
The Times, January 7, 2015 By Geoff Pursinger
Court sides with Water Watch in Clackamas River case
Under terms of the [Clackamas River water] permits, Lake Oswego is allowed to draw up to 59 cubic feet per second from the river.  The city currently draws 28 cubic feet per second.  Plans were made for the remaining 31 cubic feet per second to be shared with Tigard as part of the Lake Oswego Tigard Water Partnership.

Project Director Joel Komerak said Tuesday (January 5, 2025) that taps are expected to begin running Tigard-Lake Oswego water in summer 2016.

"We don't believe the decision from the Court [of Appeals] will impact the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership project or our planning for a sustainable responsible water supply," he said.

Under the law' cities and water districts have to leave enough water in the rivers or struggling and protected fish.  The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife indicated that struggling fish would need 650 cubic feet per second of river flow in summer and 800 cubic feet per second in fall for spawning salmon.

This is Today:
June 27, 2015.
USGS Water Resources: National Water Information System

Tables above:  Top is water flow at Oregon City, bottom is river at Estacada.

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