Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What happened in 1871?

The Weather!  

Here are a couple of climate-oriented websites you might want to visit:
Climate Depot,  Real Science and Cfact.   They each have different content, but are similar in focus and intent.  The granddaddy of them climate change science is still "Watts up with that?"

This blog post is fun.  How long have humans been looking to the heavens, wringing their hands, praying for a favorable climate?  Religious rites, superstitions, and cursing have not had an effect on the weather.  Weather disasters have been blamed on the Earth's cooling, and then warming, and then failing to prove either, the initiated just call it "climate change" or "climate disruption".  Hard to argue with that.

Real Science
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts."  --  Richard Feynman

According to the IPCC, temperatures were cold in 1871, sea level was much lower, and the climate was much more stable. All of this utter nonsense – nothing more than well financed superstition. The same mindless superstition which infected academics in 1871.

The [animated] gif below compares 1871 sea level in La Jolla, California vs. a recent high tide picture. There have been no change.

Florida was hit by two hurricanes within two weeks in August, 1871 – including a major hurricane. It has now been eight years since Florida was hit by any hurricane, and since the US was hit by a major hurricane.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to listen to a very knowledgeable person talk about how our current weather resembles the past go to and listen to Joe Bastardi's Saturday podcast weekly. What we are going through now is an almost exact copy of 1977-78!
