Monday, May 18, 2015

Population Control?

How to limit the density and expansion of cities and lessen the burden of population growth?  

One group in Australia has an idea.  Put limits on the immigration rate to keep overall population numbers lower.  It reminds me of a time in the 70s when people in Oregonians felt the same way.

40+ years ago, Oregonians talked about.                            James G. Blaine Society Unwelcome Sign
putting up barriers at the California border… "Don't Californi---- Oregon" was a popular saying.  "Come and visit, but don't stay,"  was a quote by Governor Tom McCall.  We hoped the lack of good-paying jobs would scare off new-comers.  One rainy winter was often enough to send immigrants packing.   If it kept people away, the economic struggle to get by or prosper here was worth it.                                  
Then the California money started pouring in, followed later by hordes of young people who don't seem to care about traditional economic security, and not put off by the drizzly winter.  And contrary to planners' beliefs or wishes, they brought cars and congestion.

For years I've heard people say they wanted to escape the U.S. and move to Alaska (too cold), Australia (too far), or Canada (?).  The new destination I hear about lately is New Zealand or some other island.  Can we bring back the idea of building a moat around Oregon and to make it an island?  Just a thought.

I just signed the petition "Federal government – attention Kelvin Thomson, Federal Member for Wills: An Australia-wide referendum to be as follows: 'Do you agree that Australia should keep on growing at the present rate because of the much higher immigration numbers that the government has introduced? Yes or No.'" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach THOUSANDS of signatures and we need your support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
then please send this on to all  you family, friends and your network -  lets spread it out and Kelvin Thomson will read it out in Parliament   - demanding that the government listen to the voice of the people and hold a referendum regarding the  population increase.
Mary Drost
Planning Backlash Inc


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