Monday, March 16, 2015

Living in food Heaven

The Oregon, March 15, 2015, ran a story about the price of food at several store chains in the area.  Anticipating the change from Albertsons to Haggen stores in some areas of town, the paper conducted a very limited and un-scientific survey of area stores to what prices were like at each.

The great news is that living in Lake Oswego affords us many opportunities to make choices about where to shop.  The bad news is that the least expensive store is the least convenient to get to for people without cars or time to go there.

Living in a more compact city would not necessarily give people more choices - ask the people who live in the Pearl and South Waterfront how many stores they have close to them, and what grocery stores they are limited to on public transit..  It will be interesting to see how the Lloyd District fares in the future.  I wonder what the ratio of grocery stores per capita is in Lake Oswego and the Pearl, compared to "shops and restaurants" that make for a "vibrant" town.  It was pretty vibrant and bustling in the 'burbs at local grocery stores yesterday, and it was a Sunday.

We compared prices at 7 different grocery stores, and the results surprised us 
Oregonlive, March 15, 2015 By Anna Marum
See the full story online at Oregonlive and view the interactive map of the results.

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