Friday, March 27, 2015

City Council power grab

Differing opinions about Southwest Corridor planning erupt at Tualatin City Council meeting
The Tigard Times, March 26, 2015 By Caitlin Feldman

You can have your vote, but if your city council has Metro money and a pen, then they can act against the will of the people - even against laws the people have enacted.  By substituting the word "planning" for "design", the Tualatin City Council believes it has sidestepped the people's initiative and the meaning of the law.  No serious person is confused.  The meaning of the law has not changed: (edited). The city shall not spend any money or staff time on the design, construction or operation of light rail.   The  lesson for the public is:

Power, in the hands of those who covet power, can destroy the foundations of a democratic government: the will of the governed,  from whence all power comes, is aside for personal ambition.

It is true that our country is at war.  In every city and every small town, we are fighting for our future and our ability to control it - as we see fit.  Not as some government aperatchik believes is best for us.  Liberty, choice and freedom from an overbearing government are at stake.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.

-- and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg Address, 1863

1 comment:

  1. The Tualatin City Council seems hell bent on disregarding what citizens want. Somebody ought to initiate a recall of the City Council.
