Monday, February 9, 2015

Asian air invades the U.S.

Pollution in the West put partly on Asia
The Oregonian/OregonLive February 8, 2015  By Tony Barboza

[Ian Faloona] and other scientists at rural, high-altitude sites across the western U.S. Have been documenting rising levels of ozone even as emissions have plummeted nationwide over the last few decades.  


Soaring emissions from China and other fast-growing Asian countries are blowing across the Pacific Ocean, they say, increasing baseline levels of ozone in the western U.S.  In about a week, winds carry ozone formed by emissions from cars, factories and power plants in Asia to the U.S. West Coast, where it can add to local,y generated pollution, worsening smog in coastal cities.  

The phenomenon is fueling a debate about just how much Asia is to blame for bad air in the U.S., one that could soon have health consequences for people across the West.  

Experts say that as U.S. air quality improves, Asian emissions - previously thought to have a negligible effect on smog levels, particularly in western states that sit at a higher elevation and a re first exposed to the pollutants.  In a Develooment that has troubled health advocates, some local pollution regulators have begun arguing they should not be penalized if Asian pollution is causing local smog to exceed health standards under the Clean Air Act.     

Troubled?  The "alarmists" refuse to believe that NOTHING THE U.S. DOES WILL HAVE AN IMPACT ON GLOBAL WARMING if Asian nations are pumping out pollutants faster than Americans can reduce theirs.  Americans shouldn't be free to pollute, but as a nation, we are more than succeeding in reducing ozone-related pollution.  When an American company or automobile owner doesn't want to be judged on pollution coming from someplace else, this is reasonable thinking and not "troubling" at all.  If Asian pollutants were added to the regulatory load U.S. businesses and personal auto use must bear, soon we would have no business and no cars at all!  We can't keep up!  

Asian ozone pollutes Hawaii and USA West Coast -  varies with climatic shifts

Watts reports on a NOAA study that demonstrates ozone pollutin in Hawaii and the USA west coast is driven by pollution from Asia.  Ozone pollution in the USA can be attributed to natural climatic shifts.

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