Friday, January 30, 2015

North Anchor Project - tall or wide?

How big will it be?

This is a good question since the size of the lots determine what gets built there.  The city owns 3 tax lots at the north corners of 1st St. and B Ave.  the lots are not huge, so just how big can buildings be? If the footprint is small, the building might go higher than if the lots were larger.

A reader commented on how small the footprints of the lots are.  The city had hoped to include the gas station property on 1st and State St., but could not make a deal with the owner.  Below are maps to show the actual parcel sizes for you to compare to nearby lots and buildings.

Will the city sell the lots independently to different developers, or are they being sold as a package deal?  Could the city remodel the existing buildings to retain the low density, or sell the property at a low cost so the development "pencils out?"


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