Monday, January 26, 2015

North Anchor Project ideas wanted

North Anchor Community Forum

Saturday, January 31
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Adult Community Center
505 G Ave.

As you think about what you want to see on the city property at 1st. St. and B Ave., it might be fun to see what was proposed in 2010.  At that time the city was planning for a new library, a parking facility, retail and office spaces plus housing units and/or a hotel.

The 2010 plans are off the table, but it will be up to citizens to let the Council and planners know how big, and how high buildings should be, and what should be there.  In the end. It will be up to a developer to deliver a project that will make the investors money, or else get substantial subsidies from the city if not.  What do you think?  You may still write your comments on the Open City Hall forum (follow the link from the city's main web page).
  • More dense housing like at Wizers?   
  • How big and how tall should any building be?  What will a large developmet do to the downtown?  
  • Public parking? How much should the city (taxpayers) pay for parking, and who will be the beneficiary!  Downtown businesses?  Out of town shoppers?  Bus riders? Farmers Market visitors?   Would it be a relief valve for lack of parking at Wizers or other developments that get a break on parking standards? 
  • What about public meeting spaces?  What part of the development should be public, and why?  How much would it cost taxpayers? 
  • Retail?  Offices?   Would this bring shoppers and or jobs?  
  • Is there a developer interested in the property and talking to the city?  If so, what do they want?  
  • Will any of the ideas generated on Saturday actually "pencil out" and be used in a significant way?  
Here are images from the 2010 architect's concept plans that included a library as a central component.

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