Saturday, January 3, 2015

North Anchor Project gearing up

This meeting is for you!  
If you can't be there, send a letter to the email address below with a copy to the city council.  

The North Anchor Project is being forwarded by the city on city-owned property along B Avenue on both sides of 1st Ave. on the North side.   

Previous concept plans included a library, 4-5 stories buildings, housing, offices, retail, and parking.  This time, the city and LORA is asking citizens what they want and don't want prior to sending out requests for proposals to developers. This is your opportunity to tell the city what you DO and DON'T want to see downtown in the North Anchor location.  (Building height, parking, building use, etc.)

This is a public meeting, no pre-registration is required, so if you haven't called, come anyway!  You should call or email if you can though.  

                                                 * * * * * * * * * *
LORA will initiate a public outreach process to receive input on the project prior to moving forward with the RFQ, as noted in the below update section.  Feasibility study reports and additional related documents can be reviewed in the materials listed below.


                         Sign up to participate here!

                         Saturday, January 31, 2015

                               9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

               Adult Community Center,  505 G Avenue

To ensure adequate accommodations please sign up to participate at the link provided above.  Contact Anne-Marie Simpson at or call 503-534-4225 for additional information.

                                                 * * * * * * * * * *
Following the Open House, a Stakeholder Advisory Committee will be formed comprized of members of:  First Addition/Forest Hills Neighborhood Association; Old Town Neighborhood Association; Evergreen Neighborhood Association; and Foothills property owners.

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