Saturday, January 10, 2015

Boring's wish

Boring's Quest in 2015

With half of its land inside the Metro boundaries and half outside, life in Boring can sometimes be confusing - and unfair.  Depending upon which side of the line one is on, the rules can be different, and this can cause friction among neighborhoods and make extra work for anyone trying to do planning for the community.  

Boring wants to withdraw from The Metropolitan Serrices District altogether.

Boring wants to be made whole. 

A group of citizens collected over 600 signatures (representing 25% of the registered voters from the withdrawal area) on a petition to send to Salem requesting a law that would adjust Metro's boundaries to exclude all of the Boring community.  The petitions were presented to the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners and the Metro Council on January 8.  More information is available in The Northwest Connection, excerpt below:

"This measure is brought forth to establish unity in the Boring community, which requires that local governance be fair and equitable.

The people of Boring look to the State Legislature for the passage of the House Bill that takes Boring out of the Metro jurisdictional boundaries and creates an environmentfor fair and equitable local governance and a prosperous future for the community of Boring."

Self-governance and self-determination is at the core of American ideals.  NO town or jurisdiction should be governed by what is essentially a federal agency ("regionalism") without the express wishes of the people.  

Boring's circumstances may be unique, but many other towns and areas are running from Metro's overreach --into their neighborhoods, their pocketbooks and their lives - think Damascus, Stafford Hamlet, Tigard, Tualatin and Clackamas County - each throwing up barriers to Metro's unwanted planning for their towns and communities.  At some point, the State legislature itself will have to look inward to see how much they contribute to the oppression being felt in the region, and rescind or make voluntary their goals for our future.  

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