Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Big Brother is in your car with you

From The Antiplanner blog - my comments in red.  There are quite a few breadcrumbs leading up to a future that is more restrictive, more controlling than should be allowed.  It will happen unless the public starts voting for, and demanding people who understand how real people live, and what personal freedom and liberty is and what it is worth.  Once it is gone, liberty is impossible to get back. 

Why do we allow government so much control? 

Big Brother Wants to Watch You Drive

In 2008, the Washington legislature passed a law mandating a 50 percent reduction in per capita driving by 2050. California and Oregon have similar but somewhat less draconian laws or regulations.

 Does anyone have an idea how government can mandate - require and enforce - a 50% reduction in per capita driving?  What would it take to get you to drive half the amount you do now?  

The Obama administration wants to mandate that all new cars come equipped with vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, so the car can send signals to and receive messages from street lights and other infrastructure.

There is also the recent discovery of cameras that read license plates and record time and locational information that is kept by government agencies for an indeterminate time frame.   

Now the California Air Resources Board is considering regulations requiring that all new cars monitor their owners’ driving habits, including, among other things, how many miles they drive, how much fuel they use, and how much pollution or greenhouse gases they emit.

All manner of misdeeds are being done under the guise of reducing GHG, mostly demonizing and reducing automobile use.  Never mind the fact that even the EPA has proven that carbon emissions from autos is going down while the number of autos and vehicle miles traveled are going up!  Clean automobile technology is getting better and will continue to get better.  

The climate change, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions excuse is just that - an excuse for government to control public mobility and individual independence.  Why?  Why should government know where we go and how much we drive?  There are better ways to reduce GHG, but planner-government-activists keep trying to control you.  Why?  

Now the California Air Resources Board is considering regulations requiring that all new cars monitor their owners’ driving habits, including, among other things, how many miles they drive, how much fuel they use, and how much pollution or greenhouse gases they emit.

Continue reading this log post at The Antiplanner.

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