Saturday, December 6, 2014

Your world under water

If you believe the Earth is warming, and if you believe global warming will result in disastrous seal level rises - this map will give you an idea of where to build a dystopian future.  Waterfront property will be worthless - all underwater - hilltops will be islands of compact, crowded salvation.  Residents of  Marylhurst Island will be able to ferry across Tualatin Bay to Chehalem Island, or take boats across Oswego Strait to Multnomah Bluffs to hunt, trade, meet friends, or to engage in raids on nearby populations.

Behold The Islands of Portland!  
No need to buy that hilltop property yet - the transformation will take thousands of years.  But if the Earth gets colder?   

See article and maps of other cities at Your City Under Water  (Continue to for more maps.)

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