Saturday, December 27, 2014

"Peak Insanity!"

Metro fails the logic test - Again!

Laugh, cry, bang your head on the wall.  All would be appropriate responses to Metro's lastest display  incompetence.  Peak Insanity is that government has reached an all-time high of lunatic fanaticism where no idea is too outlandish, too impractical, or too worthless to consider.  "Peak Insanity" was coined by a friend (a Clackistani and Washistani) and is the perfect term to describe the current state of irrational government thinking.  Portland is an incubator for governmental insanity, and Metro is the poster child for Peak Insanity.  Now we have THE CLIMATE SMART SCENARIOS PROJECT. 
  • Will the Climate Smart strategies (mainly more pedestrian and bike paths, more buses and HCT,) save the planet?  No.  All attempts to cut emissions here, no matter the financial and social cost to citizens, will be undone by China (and other countries). Ask Germany.  Also, there is NO plan for how future technological changes in transportation, even though some are in the works today, so this Climate Smart Plan is stupid for this reason alone.
  • Are personal automobiles a big problem, and if so, is this the best way to solve it? No and No. A future post will cover this.  
  • If the Climate Smart Plan isn't very good at reducing GHG emissions, why continue on this very expensive and destructive path?  Whole books have been written to answer this question.  Very simply, it's a social movement to rid us of our cars and fundamentally change the way we live.  Why?  As far as I can tell, it's control by the elites over the masses.
  • What is the best way to reduce GHG from automobiles?  Technological improvements to autos and infrastructure - the only thing that has made a difference so far!  
  • How many Metro council and committee members ride the bus, walk or bike to work or to meetings?  I'm guessing one or two who live in Portland, but it depends on the weather.
Read about YOUR Metro Council's latest insane Plan for us. 
Metro Council approves emission reduction plan
Portland Tribune, December 19, 2014  By Nick Christenson, Metro writer. (Uh, doesn't the Tribune have its own reporters, or does it now use Metro's media hacks for its content?)

Calling it a natural progression of

Oregon's land use planning legacy, the Oregon's land use planning legacy, the Metro Council on Thursday unanimously approved its strategies for cutting the region's personal motor vehicle tailpipe emissions.

Still, regional politics played a role in shaping Thursday's vote. Some suburban officials wanted the climate strategies to place more emphasis on reducing road congestion to reduce tailpipe emissions, and making it equal with transit, walking, bicycling and other strategies. 

Even with that move, the Clackamas County Commission voted on Dec. 10 to oppose adoption of the Climate Smart strategies, in part, commissioners said, to preserve their ability to try to stop the plan in court.

The funding will be key. The strategies identified in the Climate Smart work will cost billions of dollars to build out in the next 20 years, and only some of that money already exists.

Nick Christensen is a reporter working for Metro who covers the electedregional government. His stories are reviewed for accuracy by the PortlandTribune before posting.

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