Tuesday, December 2, 2014

LORA Meeting tonight to discuss lease

LORA tries it again.  

The Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (LORA) will meet tonight to discuss the lease of. LORA-owned property to Wishbone Home and Design.  See prior post:  "City property for rent"

USC hopes Wishbone Home and Design has spectacular success and will remain in Lake Oswego after the North Anchor Block is developed.  Independently-owned businesses are what make a town unique and make the downtown area worth going to.  I want to extend my congratulations to this fledgling business and all small businesses.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to be entrepreneurial these days, so all who try are to be congratulated for their guts and vision.

USC is only interested in how city property is used, who might benefit, conflicts of interest, and having a policy that puts citizens' needs and wants first in all things, large and small.  

If you can't make it to city hall to attend the City Council or LORA meeting tonight, the meeting is available on cable TV (CH. 23) and streaming live on the internet. Past meetings of the Coty Council and planning Commission are available as digital files on the city website:  See the Meeting Minutes and Agendas for the date you want and the recording will appear on the left.  Click on the item you wish to watch.  Archived meetings are also available on the Tualatin Vally Cable website.

Use link to read Board Report.   Excerpt:

As you might recall, this month-to-month lease rate is the same rate as the one previously negotiated with Connectechs for the newly leased space at 33 B Avenue located on the east side of Gourmet Productions. The Board subsequently approved a month-to-month lease extension on November 18, 2014. The Board Chair has asked that this extension be presented to the Board for re-approval to provide an opportunity for conflicts to be declared. 


Redevelopment Agency
Tuesday, December, 2, 2014
09:45 p.m.


Also published on the internet at: www.ci.oswego.or.us 

The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact City Staff, 48 hours before the meeting. 



2.1Approval of 41 B Avenue Lease

Motion: Move to re-approve the month-to-month lease of 41 B Avenue to Wishbone Home & Design, in place of the approval granted on November 18, 2014.


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