Saturday, December 13, 2014

Help for iOS 8

I know, I know. 
This isn't a techie blog, but this is an emergency.

Photo credit: Computerworld. 
"IOS 8 problems not so magical: Slow, Laggy, Bloaty, Crashy, Buggy, Draining and Doc."   99 IOS 8 problems, and the witch ain't one.

I am not enjoying my iPad 2 anymore.   My trusty all-purpose computer for the last 2years has hit the skids with Apple's unfortunate misfire with their latest iOS 8 update.  Apple's reputation for being user-friendly is taking a beating as users flock to online sites seeking help and work-a rounds for seriously flawed Apple software.  This update has had about 4 "fixes" so far (and counting), each with their own problems.  Yikes!  It's as if the government is running things over at Apple!

This is just like it used to be with Windows, only then a user could choose to go back to an older OS if updates soured.  I have been an Apple convert for about 3 years, and perhaps it happened with Steve Jobs' passing, but the experience has gone downhill.

If there are any iPad users out there who have updated (and if you haven't, DON'T!) and have figured out how to do cut and paste (or copy and paste), can you help me out?  

I will get back to more blogging when this bug (and there are many others!) gets worked out.  Until then I am confined to my desktop - and that is confining!

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