Sunday, December 28, 2014

A two 'fer attack on Regionalism

Regionalism is dangerous for local communities, the region, the country, and for liberty.  

A group in Marin County posted a piece by a writer from the Twin Cities on her take on Regionalism because it sounded so much like their own Plan Bay Area.  From what I can tell, it sounds like Metro's Growth Plan also.  It would surprise me if all the regional plans in the country didn't sound the same.  My copy of The Smart Growth Manual shows that this is the playbook for every step every jurisdiction takes to implement the Regional/National plan to remake urban and suburban areas.  The reasons are mostly political.  The concepts anti-liberty and unAmerican.  

Read the piece by Katherine Kester and see how many similarities there are with our Metro Plans - pick a plan, any one - they are all pieces of the same puzzle.  While you are on the site, take a look at some of the blog posts in the right-hand menu - they look interesting, and educational.

Save Marinwood-Lucas Valley - our community, our future

A blog about Marinwood-Lucas Valley and the Marin Housing Element, politics, economics and social policy.

Editor's Note: Communities all across the country are having their local government and property rights radically altered by regional governments. This will cost the suburbs their independence and local democracy under the guise of "sustainable cities. Here is what is happening in Minnesota. Note how it is earily similar to Plan Bay Area.

Twin Cities' Suburbs Should Beware of the MET Council 
By Katherine Kester, August 3, 2013  

Crusaders for ‘regionalism’ want a more concentrated, centrally planned Twin Cities. Those 
who don’t may never know what hit them.

The Twin Cities of 2040 will likely be starkly different from the place you live now. People will increasingly live in dense, urban concentrations, even if they’d prefer a house with a yard outside the 494 beltway.

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