Sunday, December 21, 2014

2015 Town Hall

This is your opportunity to help your City Council set goals for 2015.  

The City Council will meet on January 10 to set their goals for 2015.  Prior to this they are inviting the public to share their thoughts for what the city should concentrate on next year.

You can comment 3 ways:
  1. Online at the online Open Town Hall (link below)
  2. Write the council a letter or email
  3. Attend the Town Hall at the Adult Community Center on January 8.

What are your goals for the City Council in 2015?

19 days left before deadline

This topic has an introduction from the City of Lake Oswego, 15 visitors and 3 statements. The deadline for participation is 12:00 AM on January 9, 2015.
Comment online at Peak Democracy on the City of Lake Oswego website.
The Town Hall and Community Reception will be held on January 8 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Adult Community Center.  Rather than formal testimony, the Council invites  you to drop in, visit with Councilors in a relaxed setting at round tables, have a treat, and share your thoughts for the upcoming year.
  • What do you want the Council to focus on in  2015?  How would you like to be involved or participate in those goals?
  • What issues or opportunities should the Council keep in mind as they set goals for 2015?
A full list of the Councils adopted goals and policies for 2014 are online at:

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