Thursday, November 13, 2014

What "sustainability" looks like

The Reality of  Sustainability and Smart Growth 

This is the Metro 2040 Functional Plan on a larger scale.  Everything that is going on in the Bay Area is happening here, so it is important to read this presentation by by Cato Institute Fellow Randall O'Toole.   At the end of the presentation are resources for further investigation.

The Bay Area Plan is a misguided effort that will lock people into miserable existences all for the sake of......   That's the problem, there is no point to all of this - the environmental goals are bogus. If goals for environmental sustainability are driving the Plan, then the entire Plan is a failure.

As you read the presentation, think about how the Plan Bay Area sounds like Metro's.  Think about living in the dystopian, urban future the Central Planners are creating for us - because we allowed them start down this path and we failed to see what was happening in time to stop it.  Will Lake Oswego save itself?

 Plan Bay Area: Strategy for a 
 Sustainable Region 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is some presentation. Loaded with facts of which all should be aware.
