Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What did your vote cost?

2014 City Council Election Accounting

In the aftermath of the General Election on November 4, the final tally of the candidates' income and expenses must be done.  Below are the total CONTRIBUTIONS for each council candidate including both cash and in-kind contributions.  Following that are the number of votes for each candidate, and the dollar amount per vote for each.  If anyone sees an error in the numbers, please let me know.

What did your candidate(s) spend on you?   

Amount Collected, High to Low
Joe Buck                    $ 22,565
Matt Keenen              $ 14,164
Jackie Manz               $   5,814
Jeff Gudman              $   4,154
Ed Brockman             $   3,503

Top Vote-Getters, High to Low
(74.33% of Lake Oswego registered voters participated in the election)
Joe Buck                   9,409
Jeff Gudman             8,578
Jackie Manz              8,329
Matt Keenen             5,694
Ed Brockman           3,151

Amount Per Vote, High to Low
Matt Keenen             $ 2.49
Joe Buck                   $ 2.40
Ed Brockman            $ 1.11
Jackie Manz              $ 0.70
Jeff Gudman             $ 0.48

Low vote-getters, Matt Keenen and Ed Brockman have higher amounts per vote than if they had received more votes.
Jeff Gudman was an incumbent and needed less publicity (money) to let voters know who he is.

FOE:  Friends Of Elaine
Three candidates, Joe Buck, Jeff Gudman and Jackie Manz received in-kind contributions from political strategist Elaine Franklin. Franklin's contribution was for printing flyers for the "3 Js," Joe, Jeff and Jackie.  Each campaign was credited with $174.66.

Why is this significant?  Elaine Franklin is known to be a very expensive and influential campaign expert.  None of the candidates paid for Franklin's services, and in at least one case, the help was unsolicited.  This isn't Franklin's first dive into LO politics as she has assisted current elected officials with their elections.  Add to her campaign assistance, Franklin was hired by Patrick Kessi to promote the Wizer development.  Since Elaine Franklin lives in Dunthorpe in Multnomah County, it is curious that she would spend her valuable time on LO politics, and with people who didn't even ask for her help.  Why?  What is Elaine's interest in Lake Oswego politics?   Who are Elaine's friends?

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