Sunday, November 2, 2014

Clackamas smart on climate

Their Climate Smart Plan

See letter from Clackamas County to Metro on County website - Item 4 in agenda packet for the CCBC meeting of 10/30/2014  

There is time for Lake Oswego to join Clackamas County in rejecting any mandated, expensive regulations supporting the Climate Smart Communities Plan under Metro (and the state) as not productive, too expensive, and not wanted.  


‘Climate Smart’ plan pits Clackamas vs Metro

County Chair John Ludlow said relieving congestion with another lane along I-205 -- to reduce congestion and greenhouse gases, is a plan.   

Public provided input to Clackamas County Commission on Thursday

CLACKAMAS, Ore. (KOIN 6) — Clackamas County officials are questioning Metro’s Climate Smart plan, a program that will eventually be implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Commissioners called the plan “Portland-centric” and said it will 

hurt more than help Clackamas County.

As it’s drafted now — calling for fewer cars and more mass transit —  Metro’s Climate Smart program won’t work in Clackamas County, commissioners said.

The public provided input Thursday to the commissioners, and most did not like the plan.

One person told the commission, “Their Climate Smart plan has nothing to do with climate and it has nothing to do with being smart.”

Another was more succinct. 
“I’m asking you to do everything in your power as commissioners to reject this.”

Metro will take up all recommendations for the Climate Smart
 plan in December.


  1. Is there really anything Clackamas can do to stop the Metro "steamroller"?

    1. The final say about what local and county jurisdictions must do comes from the state legislature. Watch what the state does, and call your representatives.
