Sunday, October 5, 2014

Metro: "Making a great place"

Below is a link to a Metro survey about transportation choices.  This is the most frustrating survey I have ever tried to take, and ultimately it was a complete disaster.  Typical of Metro, its grand plans dissolved into a complete failure to deliver.  I made at least a dozen attempts at taking the survey but was sent back to the start page in a never-ending loop.  I was able to complete 2 questions before I decided (again) that anything Metro puts out is not worth valuable time (or money).

So, if you care to put in your 2 cents about "making a great place" - have at it.  Maybe your luck will be better than mine.  If so, perhaps you will share what you thought of the survey and what you think Metro's plans are for the "data" they receive.  You may be forgiven if you think the questions are leading or that they don't express your true intent - that is by design.  The online, self-selected polls are not statistically relevant - but that won't stop Metro from using them for propaganda anyway.

(It really makes you wonder what Metro thinks "great" means.)

Making a Great Place 

Climate Smart Communities Scenarios Project

Public comment period Sept. 15 to Oct. 30, 2014 
The Climate Smart Communities Scenarios Project responds to a state mandate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars and small trucks by 2035. Working together, community, business and elected leaders are shaping a strategy that meets the goal while creating healthy and equitable communities and a strong economy. Take a short survey below to inform the Climate Smart Strategy or skip the survey and provide more in depth feedback at  

This survey covers seven of the ten key policy areas for the Climate Smart Communities project. Answer the questions based on your experience getting around, living and working in the region. For each policy, you will be asked to indicate if we should invest more and what should be considered as communities and the region implement these policies.

1. Make transit convenient, frequent, accessible and affordable
2. Make biking and walking safe and convenient
3. Make streets and highways safe, reliable and connected
4. Use technology to actively manage the transportation system
5. Provide information and incentives to expand the use of travel options
6. Manage parking to make efficient use of parking resources
7. Secure adequate funding for transportation investments 

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