Wednesday, October 15, 2014

LOCAL endorses Keenen, Manz, Gudman

LOCAL endorses Keenen, Manz, Gudman

The Lake Oswego Citizens Action League has endorsed Matt Keenen and Jackie Manz in the race for City Council, with a conditional endorsement for incumbent Jeff Gudman.
LOCAL Director Rick Petry said Monday that after interviewing all five candidates and hosting a candidates forum over the weekend, the group selected the candidates that most closely align with its

five core values: prioritize local needs, ensure fiscal responsibility, preserve local community character, focus on essential city services and respect all citizens and their rights.
Keenen has an appreciation for what makes Lake Oswego unique in the Metro region and a commitment to preserve Lake Oswego’s valued community character, LOCAL said. The group said Keenen’s “repeated focus on proactively addressing the looming fiscal challenges facing the city resonated with LOCAL. Matt leads with facts and won’t rubber stamp.”
LOCAL cited Manz’s service on the Lake Oswego Budget Committee and said she “consistently demonstrates a common-sense focus on fiscal responsibility and funding essential city services.” LOCAL said Manz had demonstrated her desire to preserve community character through her role as chair and co-chair of the Hallinan Neighborhood Association.
Gudman got LOCAL’s nod for his “financial acumen, Council experience and willingness to study the issues in depth. He is focused on infrastructure needs and is accessible to all citizens.” The group said, however, that it was concerned about Gudman’s voting record on several issues, including his interpretation of code on the Wizer project. For that reason, the group said, its endorsement was “conditional.” 

USC Note:  Go to LOCAL website for information about endorsements and other news.

Disclaimer:  USC is a member of LOCAL 

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