Sunday, October 5, 2014

Candidates jockey for positions

LONAC held a candidate forum at it's monthly meeting on Saturday morning.  All 5 candidates for City Council were present:  Ed Brockman, Joe Buck, Jeff Gudman, Matt Keenen, Jackie Manz.  Below is my report.

But what ARE their positions?  

"Thank you for asking the question (insert name)."

"I would have to study the facts on that before I can give you a good answer."

"That's a good question, I'm glad you asked that!"

"I'm a believer in learning all about a subject before deciding something."

"I would need to take a good look at that."

"I have lived here for [X] years, I went to school (raised my kids here) here, and love this city."

"Thank you for the question."

"..fiscal responsibility ... it's all about the codes ... roads, utilities, safety ... urban renewal is a tool ... balance needs ... future of the city... "

What's not to like?  

More to the point, what is there to like?  

There has to be more.  Get out there people, really study the issues we care about, speak intelligently about them, and differentiate yourselves.  Where do you want to take us?  Why should we want to follow you?

And thank you for taking my suggestion.  

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