Saturday, October 4, 2014

Candidate tip sheet

Checking the tip sheet. 


COLA LO (Citizens For Local Accountability)  
This week the Oregonian published our 2014 City Council Endorsements.

The article also provided explanatory information on COLA and background information regarding the endorsements.  

Board member Dave Berg was interviewed by Oregonian reporter Michael Bamesberger regarding COLA's activities, its perspective, and the COLA endorsement process. 

The article in the Oregonian can be viewed at:   COLA Endorses

In the 2014 election the COLA board has decided to endorse both Jackie Manz and Matt Keenen for City Council.  

Oregonian: Political group endorses Jackie Manz and Matt Keenen in Lake Oswego 
City Council election

The group posts full videos of its interviews on its Vimeo page. Candidate Joe Buck declined to be interviewed on camera, Berg said.

See the COLA LO blog (link above) for complete information on endorsements.   

LOCAL  (Lake Oswego Citizens Action League)

Five candidates are running for three open council seats in the November 4 election. LOCAL will be interviewing all the candidates individually as well as sponsoring a candidate forum on Sunday, October 12th. After the candidate forum, we will announce our endorsements based on LOCAL's five values:
  • Prioritizing local needs
  • Ensuring fiscal responsibility
  • Focusing on essential city services
  • Preserving local community character
  • Respecting all citizens and their rights
Mark your calendars: LOCAL Candidate Forum, Sunday, October 12th 3:00 to 5:00 pm, Lake Oswego High School Auditorium

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