Friday, September 19, 2014

Survey says suburbs are preferred

Well whadda ya know.  People like the burbs.  Does anyone still need convincing?  Let's dispense with the dogma about density and vibrancy.  If anyone thinks apartment bunkers are so great, then why do developers, political strategists and politicians live in exclusive enclaves or far from the density they support for others?   Com'on now - we all want the same thing: our own patch of earth to call our own and the peace to enjoy it.  (And freedom from government constraints.)

Where do most want to live? 
In the suburbs, survey says.      
The Lake Oswego Review, September 18, 2014  By Jim Redden

The traditional American Dream is alive and well in the Portland area.
Despite all the buzz about tiny homes on wheels and apartments with no designated parking, most Portland-area residents want to live in their own single-family detached home with a yard. And more people prefer the suburbs instead of downtown and close-in neighborhoods.
Those are among the results of the most comprehensive study on housing preferences ever conducted in Portland and surrounding communities. The Residential Preference Study for the Portland Region was undertaken by Metro, the elected regional government. The results are the most in-depth and complete ever gathered in the metropolitan area. And they fly in the face of national surveys that claim most people prefer to live in cities.
According to the study:
  • Asked what kind of housing they prefer, 80 percent of metropolitan residents said a single-family detached home. Only 13 percent prefer an apartment or condo, and just 7 percent prefer a single-family attached home, such as a row house or townhouse.
  • Asked where they prefer to live, 34 percent chose a suburban neighborhood, 27 percent chose an urban neighborhood or town center, 26 percent chose a rural neighborhood and 13 percent chose an urban central or downtown neighborhood.
  • Reaffirming the preference for suburban-style living, 61 percent of respondents said they would like a large or medium size yard separating their home from a neighbor. Thirty-nine percent preferred a small yard or private courtyard.

The Metro Council is just beginning to consider the results of the housing preference study, which was released to the public on Sept. 4. Although the council is not obligated to honor the results, they will be discussed as it considers the draft Regional Growth Report in preparation for deciding whether to expand the Portland region’s urban growth boundary next year.

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