Monday, September 8, 2014

STILL too big, still trying too hard

The Lake Oswego Review Editors repeated their previous opinion that that the Wizer .  No matter the aesthetic improvements architects make to the Wizer Block mega-block development, it's just too big.  Too massive, too dense, too long - just overwhelming for Lake Oswego.

And it would change Lake Oswego forever.

USC Note:  The DRC denial for the project is based on the fact that it does not meet the letter of the code.  The description of village character and compact shopping district the editorial refers to is the basis of the numerical codes and is part of the codes that must be adhered to.  This important fact is one that the developers exploit to say they "meet the codes" while ignoring the ones they find inconvenient.

Wizer decision isn't about right and wrong; it's about shaping the city's future
Lake Oswego Review, September 4, 2014

What will Jeff Gudman and the rest of the City Council see when they meet to consider the Wizer Block project this month? We hope they see what we do: that decades of planning for a “compact shopping district” with a small-scale village feel can’t be ignored; that you don’t have to accept a pretty proposal just because it meets the letter of the code; that the DRC was right in rejecting the Kessi proposal; and that when you are given an opportunity to shape the future, you grab hold with both hands.
In the end, that is the only “right” thing to do.

Read the entire editorial HERE

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