Monday, September 8, 2014

Save Our Village - U.K.

Google the term, "save our village," and you will find that people everywhere are in the fights of their lives to preserve their way of life and defend against overdevelopment of suburban towns and country villages.  Is there some global conspiracy afoot that wants to see us out of our homes - out of low-density housing - off of the land and into dense, urban centers?   Well, if it isn't a diabolical conspiracy, then it is a mind-meld of gargantuan proportions that is fueled by the ease of travel and cross linkages of ideas and beliefs between countries and continents.

We are living in a global environment where  cultural and social traditions are being trampled upon to make room for the ideas of a few ideologues and the vast array of monied interests that take advantage of the public money and bureaucratic power they control.  Pretty extreme thinking, but when you see the same thing happening over and over all over the world, what other explanation is there?

Save Our Village  

Save Elsenham and Henham Villages

Today, Monday 2nd June 2014 at 2.00 pm, the Save Our Village Committee delivered a magnificent  2,211  letters from local residents vehemently opposed to the U.D.C Local Plan and the siting of 2100 homes in NE Elsenham. For eight years now the residents of Elsenham, Henham, Ugley and Widdington have    opposed plans to build 2100 homes on high quality farming land between    Elsenham and Henham. The residents, in a four page submission, say the Local Plan is unsound and fatally flawed because:                                                                                             
·   it is overdevelopment on the edge of only a key village                                                    
·   coalescence of Elsenham and Henham, destroying the special character of     
    both villages                                                                                            
·   it is not a sustainable location in any sense                                                                     
·   there is inadequate provision for education, health and community services                         
·   the road system serving Elsenham is seriously sub-standard for the              
    establishment of an extra 2,100 homes                                                                                                                         
·   the development would destroy local landscapes and the open countryside   
    and lose a valuable agriculture asset                                                                                           
·   public opinion, as expressed by thousands of objectors is being ignored                               
Nick Baker, OBE, Chair of Save Our Villages, said,                                                               
 ‘It is about time that U.D.C saw the stupidity of this housing proposal    and acts before it   is too late. The Government Housing Inspector will   reject this Local Plan as being unsound.  Please U.D.C wake up to this  appalling situation before it is too late, an accept that the Local Plan is   fatally flawed’        

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