Monday, September 22, 2014

Save all our small towns

Save Our Village:  New Jersey, USA March 6, 2014  By Laura Herzog

Planner for "Citizens for a Better Ridgewood" testifies before planning board 

The planner for the grassroots group Citizens for a Better Ridgewood (CBR) said at Tuesday's packed Planning Board hearing that three high-density multifamily housing developments proposed for the downtown area are "out of scale" with their surroundings. 

"I am encouraged by the growing community interest and awareness of this very important issue that sits before our Village Planning Board," [Amy Bourque] said. "It seems as if very few members of our community are in favor of these high-density zoning changes. It leaves us scratching our heads as to why we must sit here and contemplate something that seems so drastically out of character for the Village of Ridgewood." 

Save Our Village: Bloor West Village, Canada

Condos Are Coming 

The condos are coming to Bloor West Village. Old buildings, empty lots and parking lots are all candidates. What do you want the future of Bloor West Village to look like? Condos in the 8 – 12 storey range are proposed. Now is the time to start participating, adding your voice to help balance the perspective of the developers and the city planners who together will reshape how Bloor West Village feels over the next decade. ______________________________________________________________________________

Save Our Village: Brightstone, Isle of Wight, UK

Save Our Village of Brightstone -refuse permissiono build on Blanchards

Brighstone lies within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and its coastline is designated as a Heritage Coast and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSI).
A developer, Christopher Scott, is proposing to build 57 dwellings including flats, terraced houses detached and semi-detached properties and a doctor’s surgery on a 10 acre piece of agricultural land, known as Blanchards, in the middle of the historic village of Brighstone on the Isle of Wight.
Save Our Small Town: Lake Placid
Save Our Small is a web site inspired 
by a group of local citizens in Lake Placid New 
York who are passionately fighting  to save the 
small town they love from overdevelopment.  

All across America these same battles are being waged between local residents defending their towns from unbridled overdevelopment.

1 comment:

  1. Habing lived in Ridgewood NJ in the early 90s I know exactly what they are talking about and it is parallel to Lake Oswego and Wizers.
