Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Off to the races!


ORESTAR is a campaign watcher's best friend.  This is the Secretary of State's website where election information related to each campaign committee is posted.  There are required filing dates so finance activity cannot be hidden until after the election, but very late contributors can still slip through unnoticed.  For political junkies, this can be a fun site for doing searches on the sources of influence for candidates, and issue-related and political action committees.

Search for candidate, PAC, or other related committees for current and past elections.
Use varying search criteria for a general search.

It is often helpful to look at past elections to see who were the main campaign organizers and contributors to see if there are very many similarities with current candidates.  USC will be reporting on these as time goes on.  There are only 4 of 5 candidates with committees posted, and no financial activity on any as yet.

Note:  Candidates and PACs cannot collect money for their campaigns without registering a formal campaign committee with the Secretary of State.

You can check on data for each candidate's or PAC'c campaign:
  • Persons Associated with Committee
  • Campaign Finance Activity
  • Election Activity Log
  • History
  • Account Summary

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