Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Living small

More people living shrunken lives.  NYC is one of the most expensive places on Earth to live - but it isn't helped by rent control and other government regulations.  In most cities, affordability is controlled by the supply of land that regional governments allow to be built on.

These are interesting and inventive living concepts for young people.  I wonder how many of them would be profitable with no subsidies to developers and rented at market rates?

Five Finalists in NYC's Micro-Apartment Competition
ny.curbed.com January 23, 2013  By Sara Polsky

Mayor Bloomberg announced the results of the city's adAPT NYC competition yesterday, and a team made up of Monadnock Development LLC, Actors Fund Housing Development Corporation, and nARCHITECTS will be designing a building of 55 micro apartments (of 250 to 370 square feet) at 335 East 27th Street. The lucky winning team was just one of 33 entries (an HPD record) to the competition. 

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