Thursday, September 25, 2014

Battle of the Block: Day 3

The Battle to Save The Village

Chapter 3

"The Wrath of The Gods"

On the third night, the Gods assembled to deliberate over the human quarrels.  Their decisions were not complicated by what they had heard.  Both the Appellants and the  Townsfolk had made their pleas - one confident and defiant, the other urgent and desperate.  There were many who had much to gain and many with a lot to lose.

The Gods roared to one another, each taking on the claims of 

one side or the other, but five had previously been in consort with the Appellant Army so were blind to the town.  This would not be like previous decisions which had taken many hours of argument by a group of learned men.  

Thunder clapped and and the Heavens shook!  

The decision was revealed quickly, for the Gods had been persuaded months before which side would be victorious.  "We have decided!"  bellowed the Greatest God.  "The Appellant Army will bring to this village many good things, and the People must give up their petty notions of a quiet village and step aside for progress to happen."   

"We knew it!"  the Generals cried out, and a cheer could be heard from their Army of investors who would gain much in the bargain.  "Now you must allow us to build our big houses and populate your small town!"  It was a wonder that the swords they brandished so fiercely in assault and victory did not draw actual blood.  

The Townsfolk could have stayed in Evergreen Wood and not wasted their breath or hope that powerful Gods would help them, though two had tried.  "You have ruined our beautiful town," they wailed.  "You should have protected us for our defenses are few against the Appellant's might."  But the Gods had already withdrawn to the Dark Heavens to escape the result of their intervention, their own peace achieved. 

How long will Evergreen Wood stay intact?  How long before good people - good friends and
neighbors - began to look for villages where the people had put up barriers to the destruction of their towns.  A town without a citizenry ready to defend her is worth nothing.  The quaint towns hamlets in graceful dells and along peaceful lakes were being overrun by the Hoards, and whole regions were being laid to waste as the Appellant Army and their ilk marched through.  Where there had once been pleasant, friendly villages - that had attracted the attention of the Generals in the first place - there would be left the stink of vibrancy and chaos when they left.   
But by that time, Generals had their lucre and had retreated to their protected enclaves, safe from the rabble they would bring to these villages.  That was the order of men and their greed.  And the meek were pawns to be moved at their will.  

Tonight the townsfolk would weep and cry out, but only to each other, because they had been abandoned by all others.  

Was there any chance left that this terrible rending of a village would not come to pass?  It
was an unchartered path that lay ahead, and it would take more time and coin than the Townsfolk knew.  Leave, surrender, or make a final stand against the powerful Hoards and their Gods?  

Tomorrow.  They would decide tomorrow.

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