Sunday, August 31, 2014

Wizer Block Appeal

The DRC DENIED the Kessi group's development proposal for the Wizer Block, and as expected, they are appealing the decision to the City Council.  

ONLY those who testified at the DRC hearing either in person or in writing have standing to testify at the City Council Appeal Hearing.  

Likewise, ONLY the people who testify at the City Council Appeal Hearing will be able to testify at an appeal hearing before LUBA, the state Land Use Board of Appeals, where this case is expected to wind up.   -

If you approve the findings of the DRC, you should consider sending in written testimony or speaking at the hearing in favor of the denial of the project.  The City Council needs to hear citizens' arguments and reasons for denial of the Wizer Block development permit application.  

If you find some portion of the Findings and Conclusions are troubling or incorrect and you would like to appeal, you must file your appeal with the city by Tuesday, September 2 before offices close.  This date is crucial since city offices are closed on Monday, September 1.  

If you have questions about what to do or what to include in your testimony, please consult a reliable land use expert. This is a legal proceeding and care must be taken to handle the details correctly!  This is a complicated process for the layman.  No matter who tells you what, get any advice in writing so you can double check the information.  

Countdown to hearing: 22, 21, 20, 19, 18... 


Project Background/Summary

The applicant has filed an appeal of the Development Review Commission's decision denying this application.

Click here to go to the Notice of Intent to Appeal

Project Background and Summary Information
At its meeting on August 18, the Commission adopted its Findings, Conclusion and Order denying LU 13-0046. Appeals of Commission decisions are heard by City Council. The Appeal Period for this project ends September 2, 2014.


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