Friday, August 1, 2014

How to drive up housing prices

Australian millionaire family fights the political influence of high-density property developers and land developers

[Australian] Senator Bob Day described sections of the property industry as -  
"carpet-bagging, rent-seeking bootleggers"
who used political donations to wield influence to restrict land supply and drive up prices of high- and medium-density apartments.

He said that the suburban sprawls at the edges of capital cities were unfairly demonized and were less harmful ecologically than high-density housing.

Senator Day said politicians received donations from property developers keen to maintain scarce land supply, resulting in higher property prices.  "The MPs then publicly support urban planners who rail against the so-called evils of urban sprawl, none of which stands up to scrutiny," Senator Day said.

The Australian Financial Review, August 1, 2014

Sent by Save Our Suburbs  (see link at right)

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