Friday, August 8, 2014

Controlling codes

Two different viewpoints on code approvals.  The first one, in Wilsonville, will allow the planning staff to approve a development application / design and supplementary technical reports and issue a ministerial decision that is finL with no opportunity for citizen notice, design review, or appeals.

The second article is about Portland's Design Review Commission's report to City Council regarding their overloaded work schedule and antiquated codes that result in poor quality building design with no review possible.  The Commission is requesting more development applications go through the review process to get better design and a better fit with neighborhoods.

The second approach is becoming increasingly important as vacant land in the city is almost gone, and new structures have a larger profile and impact owing to the increased cost to build.  Like neighbors everywhere, citizens need to have their needs for having a good neighbor approach to compatibility, size, parking, noise, respected.


Streamlined code seen as a 'competitive advantage' for city

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