Thursday, August 21, 2014

Call for "assertive" bike advocacy

Really?  More assertive?  In the land of "bike boxes" and "sharrows," some people refuse to be happy.  The power of the protest is that 6% of total commuters who ride bikes have such loud voices you'd expect their number to be much higher.  Maybe automobile drivers should form an advocacy group.

Meeting could spark formation of a "more assertive advocacy group" in Portland

Bike Portland, August 20, 2014. By Jonathan Maus

The first step is showing up.
(Photo by J. Maus/BikePortland)
Many Portlanders who care about bicycling want to find a way to create more urgency for bike-friendly changes. As we’ve been reporting since May, Portland — once a biking beacon that other cities aspired to — has lost its mojo. With our largest bicycle advocacy organization, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA),choosing to take a more conservative role, some in the community want to start a new advocacy group.

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