Monday, July 7, 2014

The bike paths and trails no one talks about

Is your property on the list?   If so, thank Lauren Hughes for bringing this issue to light!  Another just-in-time save for the citizens by Councilor Hughes.  Somebody has to be thinking about the public; when Councilor Hughes leaves, who will take her place?  

A map of proposed trail and bike path projects in Southeast Lake Oswego. 
The City Council removed a section of the Transportation System Plan 
detailing projects planned for private property. (City of Lake Oswego)

Lake Oswego residents balk at plans for bike paths and trails

The Oregonian
July 3, 2014  |   By Michael Bamesberger. (A real reporter!)

LAKE OSWEGO – Approval of an update to the city's transportation system plan hit a roadblock on Tuesday as residents balked at plans for trails and bike paths on private property.

The council was expected to pass the updated transportation system plan, which details dozens of projects to upgrade roads and enhance transit, biking and pedestrian amenities in the next 20 years. The plan, which was adopted in 1997, needed to be brought up to date with current city, state and regional requirements, the city said.

During the two-year update process, the city made walking, cycling, and transit convenience a major priority. But on Tuesday, about a dozen homeowners brought concerns about the impact of planned pathways on their property values and safety.

"If we wanted to live in a walkable neighborhood, we would have bought houses in those neighborhoods," said Mari Shelby, who lives just outside the Lake Oswego city limits. Shelby said she's not opposed to biking or walking paths, but demanded the path planned near her home be removed from the plan.

Councilor Lauren Hughes, Shelby's neighbor, said she just recently discovered her home was on a planned trail, which would infringe on her yard and impact the privacy and safety of her home, she said.

"Everyone whose property is impacted deserves to know," Hughes said. "Frankly, it saddens me there's such little regard for our citizens and such aggressive coveting of select citizens' property."
Hughes then recused herself from the discussion and a lawyer representing Hughes and her husband argued in public testimony for removal of the project.

The transportation plan is far from the final say on what projects are built. Projects included in the plan, which range from new curbs to changes to traffic light timing, are then put on the Capital Improvement Plan, where the city council and budget committee can prioritize, approve or deny them based on what funding comes available. 

Some of the trails projects could be dependent on the city asking a developer to include them when constructing homes. But the city doesn't have many large developments anymore, said Councilor Donna Jordan. Some of the trails would require easements from property owners. 
Many who testified viewed the trails projects as a way to force Metro's higher density vision on neighborhoods. 

"I don't quite get this thing saying we need higher density all the time," said Kent Myers. "Can't there be someplace in this world where we don't have connectivity and we have privacy?"
After testimony, the council voted to remove trails projects not on rights-of-way from the plan altogether.

The plan will again come before the council for approval on July 15. The entire plan is available at the city's website. The table of trails projects on private property can be found on page 86. 
The plan still includes dozens of paths, sidewalks and trails on or near public rights-of-way.
Jordan urged the planning commission to take a look at the 2003 Trails Master Plan, where many of the projects originated, and hold a public review.

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