Saturday, July 26, 2014

Testimonial Truth-O-Meter

A supporter of the Big Box Block 137 development made some remarks last Monday at the DRC hearing.  He questioned the criticisms of opponents and said they weren't true.  But what was his proof to the contrary?  Of course he gave none.  It is easier to smear people with lies than the truth.  According to my own Truth-O-Meter (research), he was wrong.  The stats are below.

He said: No proof that a "majority of people don't want high density in Lake Oswego (downtown)."
Truth:  Community Vision and Values Survey (September 2010) by We Love Lake Oswego - visioning for the city's Comprehensive Plan.
  • 69% valued a "small town feel" after "safety" (82%) and "quality schools" (78%).  "Good shopping" came in last at 16%
  • Citizens did not want Lake Oswego to be a "shopping destination" (4%) or "tourist destination" (2%).  Top desired attributes were "quality schools" (70%) and "family friendly" (48%).
He said:  Questioned percentage of dogs renters might have.
Truth:  "Apartments Fit For a Dog (or a Cat)" Multi Housing News, January 29, 2014
  • 36% of American households own dogs, and 30.4% own cats.  (It might be interesting to see if Portland bears the national average.)
He said:  Stated that renters take just as good care of their units as condo owners.
Truth:  Quote from Patrick Kessi, NW Examiner, September 2009
  • "It [renting condo units] devalues the other units in the building," Said Kessi.  "There's definitely a difference in a building that's all owned.  There's a difference in the way people treat a building."

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