Friday, July 25, 2014

DRC -still waiting

After a second day of hearings in front of the Development Review Commission, there is no decision on the approval of the Wizer Block development.  The deliberation portion of the hearing is scheduled for June 30.  Stay tuned.  Whatever the decision, the case will undoubtedly be appealed to the City Council, and then... To LUBA?  For average citizens, this is a real committment to save a city.

For a second time I want to congratulate the professionalism and commitment of the Development
Review Commissioners who labored long hours at 2 meetings this time around that lasted until past 11 pm.  They were fair, inquisitive, and. Had done their homework.  Thank you to all.

Still No Decision on Lake Oswego Apartment Complex
Article and video of last night's meeting on the KOIN website.

Perhaps others can recall a development that has raised this much controversy in the city, but other than the Portland to Lake Oswego streetcar proposal, nothing has come close to attracting this kind of  intense interest.  The passions behind the development mimic the streetcar debte - this is too much for the town - it will have a lasting, negative impact on the character and livbility of the city - the whole thing is an urban concept better left in Portland.  We are not fresh meat to be devoured when the prime stuff is gone from the big table.

As many people who testified explained, this monster, 207-unit apartment in the center of downtown would destroy the small town, small scale village character of Lake Oswego that is part of the East End Redevelopment Plan and which itself is part of the development code.  This project is dangerous and will set a precedent for what is yet to come.

Lake Oswego, with blocks and blocks of this kind of development, would NOT be a desirable place to live anymore.  It's strange that these developers cannot see this or are choosing to close their eyes and ears to what is best for LO and their own project down the road, just for the quick buck they can make today.  This is how the rich get richer.

Lake Oswego city blocks are  260' x 410' (106,600 sf); Portland's blocks are 200' x 200' (40,000 sf)
Lake Oswego city blocks about 2 1/5 times larger than a Portland city block.  

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