Monday, June 2, 2014

Stop! Don't Stop!

It's happened to me, and maybe to you:  You are coming to a stop sign or light, preparing to stop, or worse yet, having already stopped, you have your turn signals on and are preparing to make a right-hand turn.  You look right and left and even glance in your rear view mirrors, then out of nowhere comes a bicycle rider who zooms through the stop light and scares the daylights out of you.

Maybe you are the bicycle rider and you see an opportunity to slide through an intersection without stopping and you take the chance that everything will be OK.  Accidents can and do happen when everyone doesn't follow the rules of the road.

This article in the WW tells bike riders it's OK to break the rules.  This is how accidents happen and what causes friction between drivers and riders.  Instead of co-existence, some folks seem to trust that they are invincible, or that they have special rights.  Good luck.  Even if the majority of people survive their time on the streets, let's keep it safe out there.
ILLUSTRATION: Levi Greenacres

Stop! Don’t Stop! 

You are on a bike. Someone has placed a red octagon with unfamiliar letters on the side of the street you are biking down. What do you do? A hypothetical decision tree.*

Willamette WeekMay 28th, 2014

by WW Culture Staff
Read more at the link above.  

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